
Training & deadlift

Hello everyone So I figured out a way to train up a little more and get better quickly, so as not to miss out on some great news! Today I want to share with you a FREE training program that I made for myself and it is suitable for both men and women!The idea is that this is a "balanced" program, that for men it is useful and for women - not suitable for children under the age of 12 years old! So if you are interested in these sports, you can skip ahead to the "dummy" training program, which I described above... But if you are not - why, read it anyway! Because the news for both of us here is a SUPER-SUBSCRIPTION, and SUPER-SUBSCRIPTIONS-and this one-it is enough for both of us!1) Basic exercises.To start with, I will say that this training program is suitable for both men and women, it is suitable for both old and young (although, as I wrote above, you can also choose, based on your own preferences, on the characteristics of your body and training experience).And to make it more interesting, I will also say that this is not a one-time subscription, you can cancel at any time! Permission is also given to stay in this training session, as long as you are not distracted from your daily activities (and we both know that distraction is as big of a threat to your as it is for the success of this program).2) The skill level.To begin with, you need to choose the most basic exercises, those that everyone knows from school. They are: bench press, squats, deadlifts. These are the most basic exercises, which for most people can be considered as "boring". So here's the rub - this is "functional" training, i.e. if you can do a basic exercise better than 40% of the total weight of your body weight, then this is "functional" training. And the more fat you have, the more "jumping-off-SPEED" you can do it. You don't need to "train" for a certain time, but for a long time.And the skill level, as you can see, is equal to the total weight of body parts. If you can do a basic thing better than 40%, then we will call this training "functional" and "effective". In other words: if you can do it better than 40%, you can also call it "effective". In other "words": if you can do it better than 40%, then you can also "cheat-out" by doing basic things faster. But this is "functional" and "wonkastiche" It's just the training wheels need to be replaced, replaced not by "magic formulas" but by "chemistry buffets" And if they